Tag Archives: performance

Speed up WordPress when you have a lot of terms

The autosuggest procedure can slow down your WordPress wp-admin interface quite a lot when you have a huge amount of terms. Sometimes it’s useful to just disable this feature to make wp-admin more responsive. You can do this by adding the following to your functions.php file

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Cache posts in category/tag/taxonomy for better performing content blocks

If you ever needed to grab a bunch of posts from different categories or taxonomies into your theme to fill certain layout blocks with their respective content you’d likely ended up doing a bunch of WP_Query calls with the desired parameters. That’s all nice and works ok, but it causes some additional database queries for […]

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Caching get_posts()

get_posts() is a nice little function and is widely used within themes and plugins, but what most people don’t keep in mind is that there is at least one database query behind each of the calls. With taxonomy,category or meta queries it’s even more, so caching the result of this function can have quite an […]

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